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Troop Roster

  • Perform a Covid Screening including Temperature check before leaving for camp and document on this forms.

  • Please bring two copies of the Troop Roster list to the encampment. 

  • Turn in one immediately upon arrival (along with any physical copies of the permission forms and agreement forms).

  • Keep the second one for your records.

  • Leave a copy with your troop contact person for emergencies: include parent phone numbers on the copy left with your contact person. Please provide a map with the Prairie Flower phone number to all parents in case they would have to come out to camp.

Health Forms

  •  A health form must be filled out and brought for each girl and adult attending the event.

  • The health forms are the forms filled out by the parent typically at the beginning of each year.  You should ensure these are updated annually.

  •  They should be kept by the troop leader and brought to the dining hall in case of an emergency.

  •  Leaders—please carry the health forms with you while attending activities at camp. 

  •  If girls are bringing medications of any type, the Medication Information Form must be filled out and maintained by the troop first aider.

Health Forms

Permission/Agreement Forms

  • Permission and Agreement and COVID-19 forms for everyone (Yes, adults too) attending the event must be completed prior to arriving at camp.  These can be completed Online or using the hard copy version.

  • There must be a signed permission/agreement form for EVERYONE listed on your participant list.

  • Be sure to review the Agreement form with your parents and girls prior to attending camp.

  • These forms (both online and physical) will be checked against your Troop Roster form to ensure all participants have completed the forms.


Emergency Phone Number

  • The Emergency Number for Prairie Flower will be provided to you the week prior to the encampment. This number should be given to the parents and your troop contact person.

  • This number is for emergency use only. Please urge your parents to only call in a real emergency. Let the parents know that they will have to leave a message with a Prairie Flower staff member when they call. They can not remain on hold while we attempt to find a camper. 

  • Do not have parents use the Lakamaga camp phone as no one will be answering that line and Prairie Flower staff does not have access to the answering machine for the camp.

  • The phones in the buildings should only be used in case of emergency.

Emergency Phone

Severe Weather Procedures

  • A constant ringing of the lodge bell or a car horn will notify you of an emergency.

  • Leaders should observe developing weather conditions and consult with the Volunteer Staff as to emergency procedures.

  • ln the event of severe weather, the designated storm shelters are:

    • Downstairs of the shower house (lower level of the Troop House). Use both sides and keep towards the inner walls.

    • Dining hall (hallway and bathrooms). Use bathrooms first. Utilize the center of the hall way next and stay as far away from windows as possible.

    • Mary Randall basement. Fill the inner area with no windows first and then outer areas as necessary. Avoid windows.

    • Agnes Ober Program Center basement. Wooden storm covers for the lower level are located in the closet. These window covers attach by hooks to the inside of the windows and are designed to provide additional storm protection.

  • In case of a tornado in open country, move away from the tornado’s path at right angles. If there is no time to escape, lie flat in the nearest depression, such as a ditch or ravine.

  • In the event of an evacuation from the property, the time and site of evacuation will be determined by Washington County officials. The troop contact person will then be notified and they will notify the parents.

Severe Weather

Fire Emergency

  • Move all girls and adults out of danger to the main parking lot where you will be assigned to a designated area.

  • Send an adult runner to notify Prairie Flower Staff at the Dining Hall.

  • The troop leader should account for all of their participants upon arrival at the designated area. When all participants are accounted for, check in with Prairie Flower Staff.

Fire Emergency

Missing Person Procedure

  • Search for 15 minutes. If missing person is not found within that time, alert Laurel or Liz.

  • If the missing person is not found within a reasonable amount of time (1/2 hour), help from the proper authorities will be enlisted by either Laurel or Liz.

Missing Person

Knife and Tool Safety

  • Please review proper and safe knife and tool handling procedures and safety precautions with your girls before coming to the event.

  • See Safety Wise for more information.

Knife and Safety

Poison Ivy

  • Poison ivy may be present in wooded areas. Please ask if you do not know what it looks like. See picture below.

Poison Ivy

Stoves and Lanterns

  •  Keep stoves and lanterns out of the sun and do not store fuel in tents.

  • Adult supervision is needed at all times.

  • Refer to Safety Wise.

Stoves and Lanterns

Food Storage Guidelines

  • Refrigerators in the troop buildings will be off limits for the weekend, as are the rest of the kitchens. Store food that needs refrigeration below 40 degrees in troop cooler or you may pack a bag to be stored in the Dining hall fridge - however, once you take that bag, it cannot be returned.

  • See Safety Wise.

  • Food can not be stored in buildings, cabins or platform tents. Food, dry or needing a cooler, can be stored outside or in a car. This will prevent visits from unwanted vermin in your cabin or tent.  Store securely as there are racoons adept at opening many storage containers and will help themselves to your food.

  • Troops may store one paper grocery bag with food in the dining hall cooler and one bag in the freezer. Bags need to be sealed with tape. Bags can be retrieved once any time during the weekend. Bags cannot be put back to be retrieved a second time.

  • Be creative, plan meals that do not need refrigeration.

  • Consider the weather.  Cooking and food preparation takes place OUTDOORS rain or shine.

Food and Storage

Safety Rules

  •  Refer to Safety Wise when planning for event.

  • Use BUDDY SYSTEM at all times. Please stress this to girls.

  • NO AEROSOL CONTAINERS ARE ALLOWED. They can explode in open fires. Children spray each other and themselves in the eyes. Aerosol containers WILL BE CONFISCATED UNTIL THE END OF THE EVENT. See Safety Wise.

  • NO RUNNING. There are animal holes all over the property, plus the ground is uneven at best. This is a safety regulation. The only exception is during an organized game in designated areas. See Safety Wise.

  • NO BARE FEET. No bare feet or stocking feet (except in your tent or cabin). Everyone must wear closed toe shoes outside at all times. This means no flip flops, no sandals, etc. See Safety Wise.

Safety Rules

Camp Fires

  • All fire scars must have a large bucket of water at all times. Also, keep a shovel or rake handy.

  • Long hair must be tied back and non-nylon clothing worn near the campfire.

  • Do not use liquid fire starters. Homemade wax and sawdust fire starters work the best.

  • Wood and charcoal fires must be completely out - cold to the touch - before leaving them.

  • Charcoal fires are best started on top of aluminum foil. Place all partially burned charcoal briquettes in a metal container (coffee cans work well) of water after use.

  • Place tents far enough away from your fire scar that there is no chance of sparks flying and setting the tents on fire.

  • Never leave a burning fire unattended. An adult must be within close proximity to a burning fire at all times. Fires found burning unattended will be put out.

Camp Fires

Strangers or Stray Animals

  • If any strangers or stray animals are encountered on our property who cannot be accounted for and/or are threatening in any way:

    • Leaders and all girls should immediately leave the area, go to dining hall, and inform the Volunteer Staff.

    • The Volunteer Staff will investigate and take any necessary steps.


Waterfront-Archery-Challenge Course

  •  Waterfront, including the docks, will be off limits for the weekend. Prairie Flower will have no life guard on the site other than during scheduled program periods. Prairie Flower cannot prepare a water front that is safe to use for swimming.   It is a Safety Wise requirement that a life guard be present anytime anyone is in or on the water (this includes the dock).  Even if your troop has a lifeguard with you, you still may not use the waterfront.  Council requires us to provide details of who our lifeguards and safety personnel are and your volunteer will not be on that list.  Prairie Flower's head life guard must be present for any use of the waterfront.  And that will only be suring scheduled Kayaking program and only for those who are scheduled for Kayaking.

  • Archery - The archery areas will be off limits during non-scheduled program time.  Girl Scouts requires a certifieed archery facilitator for any archery activities and requires Prairie Flower to provide the names of those facilitators, even if you have a facilitator in your troop, they will not be part of the list that we provide to council and therefore cannot have any archery activities happening that are not scheduled.  Additionally, unscheduled archery activities create a safety hazard at camp as girls maybe exploring camp areas and not expect that archery is happening in an area. 

  • Challenge Course - The challenge course will be off limits during non-scheduled program time.  Girl Scouts requires a certified Challenge Course facilitator to run the challenge course and requires Prairie Flower to provide the names of our facilitators.  Any troop facilitator will not be part of the list provided by Prairie Flower.  Additionally, unscheduled Challenge course activities provide confusion to others.  Many components of the challenge course appear to be 'play ground' equipment and girls may think that they can play on it, if they see others on the equipment during non-program time.  

Waterfront Archery Challenge Course

Medical Procedures

  • All Medications are to be in the original container (including Tylenol), labeled with name, contents, and directions. Medications should be given to the troop leader before leaving home.

  • Medications are to be administered by the troop leader at the campsite per parental instructions on Medication Information Form. All leaders should be aware of their own troop’s medical needs. Leaders need to report any medication given to a participant during Prairie Flower to the camp first aider for our records.

  • All medication must be in a locked container. If your troop is unable to bring one, Prairie Flower Core Staff will have a locked location available at the dining hall.

  • Refrigeration is available for medications if needed.

  • Simple first aid is to be given at your troop’s campsite if at all possible. Use your own troop’s first aid kit. Examples would be splinters, headaches, and small cuts.

  • First aid is available at all times in the Dining Hall for INJURIES or other health concerns.

  • Report all serious injuries to First Aider in the Dining Hall.

  • A vehicle will be available at the Dining Hall for emergency transportation if needed. The Forest Lake Hospital and Washington County emergency officials will be contacted in case of emergency.

Medical Procedues
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