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Training Req.

 Training Requirements

Please check the Council Safety-Wise and Safety Activity Checkpoints for specific

requirements related to Traveling Safely, Camping, and Outdoor Cooking.

           Health and Safety 

           Safety Activity Checkpoints:
       River Valleys Outdoor Training: 


If there is enough interest and need - we may be able to provide Outdoor related training to leaders who need it in April or Early May.  There will be an Adult Undernight training on May 3rd from 10-4 at Camp Singing Hills for leaders who would like to have Outdoor Training before camp.


Most important is to ensure that you have an adult who is experienced and comfortable in the skills listed in the Camping and Outdoor Cooking sections who will be attending Prairie Flower, and who will help with the initial preparation prior to camp.  Keep in mind that all meals must be stored, prepared, and eaten outside, kitchens are strictly off limits at camp.  We also STRONGLY encourage you to have an adult who is certified in First Aid and CPR.  We will have an official camp First Aider on-site at all times, but we leave the main first aid and care to the troops, like administering medications, minor first aid, etc.

If you do not have someone that has those skills - then Check out the Council's Outdoor Training opportunities, reach out to your Service Unit Outdoor Champion, or send an email to Prairie Flower and let us know you would like more assistance to be prepared.  One of the primary goals of the Prairie Flower Encampment has always been to give girls the opportunity to learn and practice outdoor skills.  We want you

and them to be successful in those endeavors, and will work to help in any way we can. 


Troop Preparation Check list

Three months out (by February 15th)

  • Access Prairie Flower website, review all information 

  • Explain the lodging choices (Tenting or limited Yurt/Tamaray cabins) to the girls and decide on their choices

  • Decide if troop is going to register for Prairie Flower - and Confirm if you will stay Fri-Sun, Fri-Sat, Sat-Sun, or just for the day on Saturday.

  • Determine who is going to Prairie Flower  (do your best, you can make adjustments after registration is in)

  • Determine which adults are going to Prairie Flower all adults are required to be registered Girl Scout members and have completed the background check through Girl Scouts

  • Decide on how to pay for Prairie Flower Check at the Leaders meetings or mailed to Liz, or Online payment.

  • Complete the Prairie Flower online registration 

  • Plan to attend one of the Prairie Flower Leader meetings in March


Two months out (March 20th):

  • Decide which adults will drive and ensure registration and background checks are complete

  • Start Planning menus - Does your troop want to participate in the Progressive Dinner option on Saturday Night?

  • Make food equipment list

  • Decide/find the food equipment necessary (You can request equipment on the Program/Logistics form)

  • Decide what troop gear is needed/decide where to get the items

  • Decide which parent or other person will be the troop contact person for your troop for Prairie Flower. Make sure they understand their duties. (This is a person who is not coming, and has all the health forms and emergency contacts who can coordinate at home in case of emergency so YOU can be focused on the troop and girls)

  • Discuss SWAPS with your troop. Decide if they will participate

  • If necessary, plan SWAPS, what/when they will be made. Will all make the same or different?  Where will materials come from?

  • Check the current Safety Wise documents for all safety considerations your troop needs to implement/review before Prairie Flower.

  • Explain Saturday Program Choices and have girls make decisions

  • Fill out Saturday Program Choice/Logicstics form Online. (due by April 1st) 

  • Fill out and share the link with families for the Permission/Agreement Online form - EVERY PERSON must fill this out that is attending, Girls and parents must fill the Girl Forms out together. Make sure they have your email as that will be a question, and you should get a copy of the form after it is submitted. Be sure to review the agreement form with the girls. 

  • Talk with Girls and Families about Covid Precautions.  Keeping this here for now, until Covid no longer needs to be considered.


One month out (by April 20th):

  • If participating in the Progressive Dinner option - Connect with your fellow Troops to plan your meals.

  • Make food shopping list

  • Decide how/when food will be purchased, by whom

  • Decide who will re-package/pre-prepare the food (get girls involved in this, Note that there is 1 dumpster, and by the end of the weekend it is overfull, so any minimizing of waste at home is a HUGE help)

  • Distribute individual gear lists to all participating

  • Decide on/plan appropriate packs/bags for personal gear

  • Practice packing personal gear - Encourage families to let the GIRLS pack their own things - then they know exactly what they have, where it is, and how to pack it up again to come home.

  • If tenting, practice putting up the tents

  • Review and discuss Prairie Flower procedures and health and safety rules.

  • Review and discuss Prairie Flower flag ceremonies and etiquette.  If doing the flag ceremony - practice.

  • Discuss the Troop/Free time and what you will do, or what your expectations are during this time.

  • Arrange for silk screen items, if desired

  • Review and Fill out/share with families the Permission/Agreement Online Form 

  • Hand out adult health forms if the troop does not already have them for the attending adults-We will be checking these for Girls and Adults at check in

  • If your troop has volunteered for job at Prairie Flower, plan/rehearse with the girls what they will do and if they need to bring anything extra to do that job - Confirm with Julia or other contact that you are ready.

  • Talk with Girls and Families about Covid Precautions.    Keeping this here for now, until Covid no longer needs to be considered.


Two weeks out (by May 5th):

  • Confirm at home troop contact person

  • Look for Program Assignments, Lodging Assignments, and Permission/Agreement confirmations this week from Prairie Flower Staff

  • Fill out three troop roster forms

    • Give one to your at home troop contact person

    • Put one in your permission/health form folder

    • Keep one out to give to Prairie Flower Staff upon Check in

  • Ensure all participants have completed the online permission/agreement form or have hard copies to give to Prairie Flower Staff at check in

  • Gather Health History Forms for ALL adults and girls who are attending

  • Send home emergency information to parents (map of route and site, telephone number, troop number, and troop adults attending)  Remind parents to come to the Dining Hall to check in/out if they are picking up a girl for any reason.

  • If tenting, practice putting up tents again, discuss proper tent care and use

  • Plan with girls so all personal gear is packed 

  • Make arrangements where and when to meet to travel to camp

  • SWAPS completed. Discuss SWAP etiquette and logistics at Prairie Flower

  • Gather items to be silk screened

  • Talk with Girls and Families about Covid Precautions.  Keeping this here for now, until Covid no longer needs to be considered.


One week out (by May 12th) or closer:

  • Make map of route and Lakamaga site(including where your troop is staying on site) and girl list for every car driving and the troop contact person

  • Notify parents where your troop is staying on site

  • Gather the necessary food and other troop gear

  • Buy food

  • Repackage and prepare food as necessary

  • Package any food to go in the dining hall cooler/freezer

  • Pack group equipment

  • Finalize attendance

  • Re-check to see that all permission and agreement forms are filled out online OR that you have hard copies. 

  • Pack troop health forms to take with to Prairie Flower

  • Arrange to have the Troop Roster to be in the first car to arrive so the troop can check in.

  • Check in with families to confirm girls are feeling healthy and have no exposure or covid symptoms. 


*Use caution when locating Camp Lakamaga via GPS! Please use the directions provided on the Council or Prairie Flower site.

  • Before leaving for camp - do a simple covid screening for everyone - temperature check and covid questions record this on the Troop roster form for Camp.

  • Drive in to Welcome/Check in site (just go straight ahead on road)

  • One adult checks in the troop by giving the Troop Roster Form, Health History Forms, and any Physical Permission/Agreement forms to the Check In Person.

  • The Check In person will compare the Health History forms ,Troop roster form, and permissions forms(both online and physical) to ensure all participants have a health form and permission/agreement form. Anyone missing these items will need to proceed to the Dining hall until those forms are completed and received.

  • The Check In person will then return the Health History forms and present the troop Welcome Packet to the troop adult.

  • Troops drive to parking lot, read the information in their packets, unpack necessary equipment, and walk to their site.

Troop Preparation
Troop Equip. List

Cooking Heat Sources

  • Camp stove

  • Appropriate fuel

  • Charcoal

  • Fire starters (not liquid)

  • Matches

  • Potholders

  • Plastic

  • Tarp for firewood 

  • Grate

  • Tongs

**Note There is Firewood available at camp - no need to bring any​

Troop Equipment List

The items your troop brings from this list will depend on what your troop plans for menus and 

heat sources. Please bring only what you need. Keep your gear to a minimum.

Shelter (if tenting)

  • Tents, poles, stakes

  • Small broom

  • Plastic or tarps for gear

  • Hammer

  • Foam pad or air mattress, if desired


  • Plastic sleds (to haul gear on grass)

  • Folding table


  • Pots

  • Spoons, spatulas, peelers, ladles, can opener, knives, etc.

  • Cutting board

  • Tongs

  • Extra plates for serving

  • Pitcher

  • Measuring spoons and cups

  • Foil

  • Mixing and serving bowls- 3 or 4

  • Coffee pot - There will be coffee available in the dining hall too for Adults

  • Roasting sticks

  • Fry pans or griddle

  • Cooler for food and ice

  • Ziplock bags for leftovers

  • Table cloth for food preparation

  • Animal proof food storage containers

  • Spices, salt, sugar, etc.

Sanitation and Health

  • Garbage bags (small)

  • Biodegradable dish soap (extra for pan bottoms and sides)

  • Bleach (for sanitizing dishes)

  • 3 or 4 dish tubs

  • Handwasher

  • Dish towels and dish clothes

  • Pan scrubber

  • Clothes lines and pins

  • Troop first aid kit

Personal Equip. List

Personal Equipment List

  • Do not bring anything that can not get wet, dirty or damaged!

  • Remember — Dress for the weather!

  • It is recommended that you pack in a duffle bag or back pack (you may want to line the bag or pack with a plastic bag). Suitcases, especially wheeled ones, are not recommended. The wheels will not work on the camp paths and can get ruined in the case of muddy conditions.


  • 2 Short Sleeved Shirts

  • 1 or 2 Jeans or Sweatpants

  • 1 or 2 Shorts

  • 3 pairs Socks

  • 1 Sweatshirt

  • 3 pairs Panties, Bras

  • 1 Jacket

  • 2 Bandanas

  • Rain Gear

  • Rain boots and/or 2nd pair of shoes (and 2 plastic bread bags)

  • Sleepwear

  • Hat with visor for sun


Personal Care Items

  • Toothbrush and Toothpaste

  • Hairbrush

  • Hand Towel and Washcloth

  • Hand Lotion

  • Soap, Deodorant, etc.

  • Lip Balm

  • Tampons/Pads (if needed)

  • Bug Repllent (NO AEROSOLS)

  • Sun Screen (NO AEROSOLS)

  • Medicine (Turn in to the troop leader, both prescription and non-prescription. It should be in the original container with the original label intact and legible. The name of the girl must be on each container. A medicine form must also be given to the troop leader.)

Personal Equipment

  • Flashlight (with good batteries)

  • Water Bottle

  • Coffee Cup (adults)

  • Camp Stool or Chair (optional)

  • Personal Dishes

  • Sleeping Bag (NOT SLUMBER BAG)

  • Pillow

  • Sit-Upon

  • OPTIONAL:  Sunglasses, Hiking Boots, Camera, Book to Read

  • Day Pack/bag

  • Item to Silk Screen

  • Donation for Service Project

Do Not Bring


  • Radios

  • iPods

  • Aerosol cans (They will be confiscated if seen)

  • Anything that you do not want to get muddy, dirty, wet, lost, broken, or stolen.




Cell Phone Policy



Prairie Flower does not have a ​specific policy around whether girls and adults can have access to their cell phones during camp.  This is at the Troop Leader discretion.  We strongly encourage limited or no cell phone use as this is an opportunity to unplug from the world and explore and experience nature.  In addition to that, there will be limited opportunity for charging phones, there is limited signal in some areas, and there is no WIFI access at camp except at the dining hall.  You also risk damage to your phone based on the weather and camp conditions and activities that you may be participating in.  However we recognize that many use phones as a camera, watch, and even to communicate at camp.  Here are some etiquette expectations to share - and you as a troop should discuss this and decide on your own cell phone policy.

  1. DO NOT use your phone during classes (text, calls, social media, music, videos etc.).  This is rude to the instructor and to the other participants.  If you would like to take a picture of an activity, ask permission first.  If you must take a call, step away from the activity.

  2. DO NOT take pictures of people who are not in your troop without permission.  You do not know what their photo preference is.  

  3. DO NOT post photos of people not in your troop on Social media.

  4. DO NOT play music or videos loudly, use head phones, unless you have expressly discussed with those around you.

  5. In general, BE COURTEOUS to those around you.  

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