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Camp and Free Time

Camp and Free Time Activities - Staff Organized

  • Gnome Hunt

  • Silk screening (Saturday morning/early afternoon - staff screens the shirts) - See Silk Screen Tab for Details

  • SWAP board will be available in the dining hall for troops to put their SWAPs on for display.

  • Troop Banners

Gnome Hunt

Gnome Hunt

This will replace the traditional Medallion hunt

  • Hidden somewhere on Camp will be a happy little Gnome and he will have a secret code word

  • If your troop finds the Gnome and learns the word:


    • As a Troop come to the dining hall and find a Prairie Flower Staff member to share the secret word.

    • Your troop will receive a special treat as a reward for finding the Gnome.

  • We have chosen this new ​treasure hunt to allow all troops to participate and have fun. 

  • Please show respect for other troops when searching for the Gnome.



  • A SWAP board will be in the hall way of the dining hall. Put one of your SWAP’s on this board so everyone can see (and admire) the SWAP’s brought to Prairie Flower.

  • SWAPS are an optional program at Prairie Flower.

  • Swapping can be done at any time over the weekend, so carry your swaps with you. Remember to avoid swapping during classes. There will be SWAP time outside the Dining hall on Friday Night between 7-8 and Saturday right after the Closing Program.  But feel free to swap anytime you see other Girl Scouts and it is not disruptive to program.

  • Troops are expected to know and demonstrate SWAP etiquette at Prairie Flower. Ideas for SWAPS can be found on Girl Scout SWAP websites. It is helpful to have a way to attach SWAPS to hats or clothing such as a safety pin.

  • Having your name or troop number on your SWAP is desirable. SWAP etiquette includes:

    • Swapping is a way to make friends. Take the time to talk to the person.

    • Swap with whomever asks. Do not be in a hurry. Talk to the other person.

    • Be pleased with your new SWAP no matter what.

    • You may stop swapping when all of your SWAPs are gone. You do not have to continue once all of your SWAPs are gone.

    • Do not turn down a swap - even if you have already received a similar swap.  It is about meeting new people and making new friends.

Troop Banners

  • We will not be displaying Troop Banners this year.  However, if you would like 

      to bring a Troop Banner or Flag to display at your Troop site or as you walk around camp - you are more than

      welcome to share your Troop Pride.

Troop Banners

Outdoor Cooking Competition 

​Show off your Camp Culinary skills by creating an amazing masterpiece dish, while at camp.  This is a GIRLS only competition - they should choose the dish, do all prep and cooking and presentation to the judges.  They will be interviewed by the judges about their dish and should be prepared with a verbal story/presentation and/or to answer questions.  Dishes will be scored on Visual Presentation, Originality, Taste, and Story/Interview.   1st, 2nd, 3rd place will be awarded for each Junior, Caddette, and Senior/Ambassador levels.


Remember: This is for the GIRLS only. Food choice, preparation, cooking, plating, and delivery are all expected to be done by the girls. 

There will be a sign up form to complete by May 1st for a 5 minute presentation time between 12:00 and 2:00 - depending on the number of troops entering.  You are expected to be able to have your dish ready at your assigned time.  Late entries may be disqualified.

No forms will be necessary to bring to the judging table when presenting your dish, as they will have the forms already after you have completed the sign up. Recipes from all troops will be compiled into a Cookbook and available after the camp.


  1.  All entries must be planned, prepared, cooked, plated and presented by the girls in the troop.

  2. All entries must be prepared 100% at camp.  

  3. Entries can be hot or cold dishes of any type that include the FEATURED INGREDIENT and must be prepared while at camp.

  4. You must be on time for your presentation - if you change your mind and can’t make it, please send a representative to inform the judges.

  5. If you have a multi level troop, indicate the Age Level that is most representative of your troop.

  6. Only 1 entry per troop is allowed.  If you have a very large troop or other concerns on this - please email the PF committee about possible exceptions.

Cooking Competion
All Camp Activities

All Camp Activities

  • Service project (to be determined at March Leader  meeting). Talk with your troop and let us know if you have an idea!

  • Friday Night SWAPS 7-8

  • Saturday Opening Ceremony

    • Flag Ceremony​

    • Introductions

  • Saturday Closing Ceremony​

    • Awards for Archery Bullseyes, Outdoor Cooking Competition, and others​

    • Scouts Own

    • Flag Retirement Ceremony

    • Closing Flag Ceremony

  • Saturday SWAPS After closing ceremony until 6:00

Flag Ceremonies

  • Performing the Flag Ceremony is a big honor at Prairie Flower. We have very stiff expectations for the Troops that do this.

  • Any troop doing a flag ceremony over the weekend will be required to meet with a member of the Prairie Flower Staff before doing the ceremony. Please check in at the Friday Meeting

  • All Troops should review Flag Ceremony Etiquette information before coming to camp, whether doing the ceremony or not

  • We will also be doing a Flag Retirement Ceremony

  • Retiring a flag by burning during a respectful ceremony is the acceptable way to dispose of a flag. You cannot just throw it away.

  • This will take place immediately following Saturday evening closing flag ceremony and is encouraged for your troop to attend.

  • If you have a flag that needs to be retired please email Prairie Flower to see if we need any.

Flag Ceremonies

Scheduled Program on Saturday

  • You will be scheduled for up to 4 programs on Saturday.  Some may be staff led, some may be self led.  All instructions and supplies will be provided.

  • Sign Up Online Here (form will open during the March Leader Meeting)  Must be completed by April 1st
    Saturday day program, as all program at Prairie Flower, is delivered by volunteers. Please be respectful and cooperative. We need and want our volunteers to come back year after year.


    • Show up on time and wait their turn.

    • Share space, tools and materials.

    • Be friendly and speak respectfully.

    • Listen carefully and quietly.

    • Help each other.
      Ask if you need more help.

    • Notify headquarters or the activity leader ahead of time if you are going to be late or not coming. Some program activities require the full program period. If girls arrive too late (more than 5 minutes), they may not be able to participate, ie. archery, kayaking, etc.

    • Only go to the activity you have signed up for.

    • Use only your fair share of supplies.

    • Do not bring food or drink (covered water bottles are ok) to the activity.

  • Most classes have an optimal number of people at an activity.

  • Supplies will be purchased for the number of people signed up for the activity.

  • It is often difficult to add people to activities at the last minute because of limited supplies and tools.

  • If you do need to change program, you must see Tory, Liz or Laurel—preferably on Friday. - or better yet send an Email right after the program assignments are mailed out.

Scheduled Program

Fourth and Fifth Grade Troops and Adults

  • Adults need to stay with your fourth and fifth grade troops during all program periods including Saturday day program.

  • You will be the adults supervising the girls. Program will not start until the adults arrive.

  • The program volunteer is there to present program. They typically need help during the craft programs.

  • Fourth and fifth grade troops will receive troop schedules for Saturday, one per adult.

Junior Troops
CSA Troops

Caddettes, Seniors, and Ambassadors

  • These age levels can sign up in pairs or as troops.

  • Your troop can determine if your scouts are ready to be able to attend program as buddies.  Troop leaders are still ultimately responsible for your girls

  • Caddettes, Seniors and Ambassadors will receive individual schedules for Saturday.

  • Caddette/Senior/Ambassador troop adults may also be needed to help during Saturday program periods.


Adults from CSA Troops and Extra Adults

  • Adults may sign up for program just as the Caddettes, Seniors and Ambassadors do.

  • If you want to do activities, you must sign up at the same time as you sign up your troop.

  • If your troop has extra adults, we may schedule an extra adult to help with a program

  • Your personal schedules for Saturday will tell you if we need your help. 

  •  If you want to volunteer - please complete this form .

Self-Led Activites


​There are a number of Self-Led activities that troops can do during their troop time.  Some of these include:

  • GAGA  There is pit near the Dining hall and in the Day Camp area

  • Hike/Explore camp

  • There are a number of yard games and activities available outside the dining hall

  • There are balls and outdoor supplies in Ira's hut near the Sports Field 

  • There are miscellaneous games in some of the cabins and dining hall - you should get these and bring them to your troop area and return them when done.

  • Star Gazing in the sports field or down by the waterfront is spectacular on clear nights.


  • Low ropes challenge course - this requires a certified instructor.  This area is off limits during Saturday Program, but if you have identified a troop volunteer who is certified, you may use the course with the certified adult on Friday evening or Saturday evening.

  • Kayaks and beach - only available during the Saturday Program with Certified Instructor and Life Guards.

  • Archery Range - only available during Saturday Program with Prairie Flower instructors.

  • Troop House - this is the Prairie Flower Staff lodging.

  • Other indoor cabins other than during Saturday Program or with direct permission from Prairie Flower staff.

Program Options

Program Options 

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