Suggested Items to Screen
Bring cloth items to be silk screened with the Prairie Flower logo.(T-shirts, pillowcases, dish towels, etc. NO PAPER). Bandanas,especially muslin, do not screen well.
The area on the item to be screened needs to be seam free and large enough for the screened image. (see approx. sizes on sample images.
Only one piece per person please.
Bulky items such as canvas bags will only be screened with black ink. Because of the bulk, it is not always easy to get the screen to lay flat so the image may smear or be incomplete. There are no guarantees with bulky items.
Preparing Items to be Screened
Items to be screened need to be marked with the person’s name and troop number on masking tape on the side to be screened, but not where the screen will be put. Please do not mark t-shirts on the tag in the neck. See Image A in attached pdf for recommendation on where to place tape.
Unless otherwise noted, we will automatically place the design at the center of items such as pillowcases. If the pillow case has been screened multiple times, we’ll place the design where room allows. Again, do not put tape in the middle of where you want the screen.
Each item needs a flat, single-thickness sheet of newsprint inserted under the area to be screened. See Image B in attached image.
All of this can be done before you come to camp or we will have the masking tape, pens and newspaper there for you.
Items can be dropped off at the dining hall after breakfast, but before 1:30 Saturday. We need several hours to screen as many items as we do, so please get them to us in a timely manner.
Choice of Ink colors that will be available may include, White, Green, Red, Blue, and Black.
NOTE: that heavy items such as canvas bags will only be done in black, and will be done last.
After the Screening
We will be screening in the dining hall in the late morning or early afternoon. You are welcome to watch, but please stay out of our way. The screens dry out very easily if delays occur. Which means it has to be cleaned and dried before we can continue.
After items are dry, we will sort them by troop number and have them available for leaders to pick up either after Saturday closing program or Sunday morning.
Leaders, please verify that all items are actually all there before you leave.
Items should be ironed with an iron for a few minutes on hot to set the ink.